Make Your PR & Documentation Stand Out

With over 15 years working commercially as a communication specialist, in tandem with working as the editor-in-chief of an art magazine, I have a unique set of talents to ensure that artists get the most out of their PR and artwork documentation.

Video Documentation

Spacing Out trailer for the Institute of Interconnected Realities (IIR)

  • Full, unedited performance documentation for theatre or stage review. No limitations for filming in low-light, black box situations. *Requires a separate filming day from the trailer.

  • 30 - 1:30 second edits that highlight the strengths of the choreography or dramaturgy of the work. *Requires a separate filming day from than performance documentation

  • On-location or in-studio artist interview to help explain your artistic process. An excellent addition to a PR package.

  • A package of Stories or Reels for your social media presence. These are often developed out of the material created for a Trailer, Interview or Full Documentation.

Interview Promo Example

Studio Interview Example

Stories & Reels

Photo Documentation

  • Photos that are taken during a dry run of a performance, so as to not interrupt the audience experience.

  • Expertly lit and framed photography of visual artworks (paintings, installations, sculptures, or work-in-progress).

  • Portrait or artist-in-progress photography that can be used in tandem with artistic biographical work.

Written Projects

  • Many artists struggle with writing their own artist bios. I work with them to understand their work and craft a biography that can be editing to fix various formats - web, press release, and social.

  • There are ‘best-in-practice’ ways to craft a press release to ensure that journalists have all the material they need without feeling overloaded with information. I will help you write and organise your material to meet those needs.

  • A written interview is a wonderful way to get your thoughts out and describe your work within the framework of a Q&A.

  • If you need an article about your work, then I will follow a process and format that I have developed over years of writing and speaking to artists about the work. Specific examples can be found under Perspectives.


I meet with you to learn more about the work you are doing, and to discuss the scope of your needs.

What is the Process?

Proposal &

After our initial meeting, I send a list of deliverables to be agreed upon. In addition, I will send proposals for production days.

Research &

I receive and review all the material that you have on yourself and your work to get a deeper understanding.

We begin planning specifics around what is needed during the production days.


Photo & Video productions are best done on dedicated days, to not disrupt the audience experience. One performance run for photo, and one for video is required.

Rough Cuts &

Video: You will receive drafts of the edits to provide your feedback before finalisation.

Photo: I will make a selection of between 30 - 40 images. From that, you can choose 10 - 15 for final retouch.


I will package all materials into a folder that is organized based on deliverables - web-ready and print-ready photos, video edits, social media edits, copy, etc.